What you need to know about Electronic Monitoring
NOTE: The following applies only to provincially-regulated employers in Ontario. It does not apply to federally-regulated employers in Ontario.
In 2022, the Government of Ontario passed Bill 88, Working for Workers Act, 2022. Amongst other things, the Bill amended the Employment Standards Act to require provincially-regulated employers who have 25 or more employees in Ontario as of January 1 in any year are to have a written policy with respect to electronic monitoring in place by March 1 of that year. As a transitional provision, provincially-regulated employers who have 25 or more employees in Ontario on January 1, 2022, will have until October 11, 2022, to have the policy in place.
The policy must include all forms of employee monitoring that is done electronically by the employer.
Employers are to provide a copy of the written policy to all employees within 30 days of preparing the policy or, if an existing written policy is changed, within 30 days of the changes being made to all employees. The employer must also provide a copy of the written policy to any new employees within 30 calendar days of the date of hire.
As a CIFFA member, you have FREE access to a Gallagher HR Online account. Login today to access the Electronic Monitoring policy template.
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The following article was contributed by CIFFA member Humaniqa.com