Sample Member Resource
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet ornare nisl. Duis tincidunt velit a porttitor tristique. Fusce rutrum erat felis, nec sodales nisl aliquet quis.
Browse through fact sheets, lists of transportation resources and, most importantly, Standard Trading Conditions.
Please note that the CIFFA Standard Trading Conditions may only be used by current CIFFA Regular Members of the Association. Check to see if your Service Provider is a Member. Updated May 2021.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet ornare nisl. Duis tincidunt velit a porttitor tristique. Fusce rutrum erat felis, nec sodales nisl aliquet quis.
To demonstrate our continued engagement with the UN Global Compact, CIFFA must submit a Communication Of Engagement every two years, which discloses specific activities taken to support the key principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
CIFFA’s Technology Committee has been considering for some time how to best provide value for members after issuing its first report, a look at the top cybersecurity practices for small and medium-sized businesses. This report is the outcome of that reflection.
CIFFA’s Sustainability Committee has been through a discovery process, learning about the origins of sustainability, various tools, reference materials and networks, with an interest in raising awareness for members and to explore opportunities for CIFFA. These findings have been outlined in the following: Sustainability Blueprint – An Introductory Guide to Sustainability for CIFFA Members.
The CBSA would like to advise you that the first iteration of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document related to the Release Prior to Payment (RPP) Transition Plan is ready to view. This document aims to provide importers with more information on the RPP Transition Plan.
This paper is the product of Gordon Hearn, Partner at Gardiner Roberts LLP in Toronto, Canada. This document is published by the Canadian International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFFA). Any reproduction, distribution, adaptation, discussion, or other use is strictly prohibited except by permission of the author or the publishing association.