Aux termes de la présente lettre ouverte, le signataire se porte garant du paiement des frais de surestaries, de stockage et d’immobilisation ainsi que des frais liés aux conteneurs endommagés ou perdus.
Browse through fact sheets, lists of transportation resources and, most importantly, Standard Trading Conditions.
Please note that the CIFFA Standard Trading Conditions may only be used by current CIFFA Regular Members of the Association. Check to see if your Service Provider is a Member. Updated May 2021.
Aux termes de la présente lettre ouverte, le signataire se porte garant du paiement des frais de surestaries, de stockage et d’immobilisation ainsi que des frais liés aux conteneurs endommagés ou perdus.
Are you a CIFFA Associate Member? Do you have a service, a product or valuable information to share with the rest of the CIFFA membership while promoting your brand? Do you want to connect with interested members directly to promote your brand? To get started, complete the application form.
The Guarantee Letter was preferred to ensure payment for delayed pick-up of containers, resulting in demurrage, detention, damage or other related storage charges.
The following resource list features the current 24/7 contact numbers for all CBSA border offices in Canada.
A list of ground handlers has been compiled for CIFFA membership, showing their capabilities and services available for screening 100% of international air cargo transported on commercial aircraft, as per the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) requirement.
The contracting process is crucial for freight forwarders to manage one’s risk and avoid undue liability exposure. This best practice guide provides general considerations during any contracting process, delving into the overall stages of the process and providing guidance regarding what to watch out for and the essential contractual clauses to consider.